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Advice and support for individuals

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For five years, I have been counselling and supporting people who face various challenges in their everyday lives and are not sure how to communicate effectively and adequately. In individual sessions, we analyse situations and develop clear steps on how to achieve more effective communication with a stronger self, which leads to more satisfying results. I help to create an overview, concretise ideas and guide you through various difficulties. My methods are practical and achieve rapid progress, so that my you quickly achieve greater autonomy. I prefer to work with images and have a light, optimistic and creative approach. My strengths are presence, humour, clarity and reliability.

I also run workshops for groups on verbal and non-verbal communication and work mainly in the Zurich area. 

Foto von Sarah Bischof, Kunstnische


Communication and Performance

How we communicate verbally and non-verbally is largely unconscious and therefore not easy to influence. Our inner attitude and our self-image, which penetrates and speaks to the outside, is more decisive in how we appear to others.

I help you to become more aware of the characteristics of your own communication and to strengthen your self-esteem. The effectiveness and decision-making power grows and you learn to position yourself better in conversations and situations and to raise your concerns without going into confrontation. 

I work with people on free and easy presentation and dealing with the nervousness and fear of performing. 


Selfmanagement and dealing with challenges

Our self-image plays an essential role in how we deal with challenging situations in everyday life. It influences our decisions, whether we prefer to tackle and solve problems, whether we withdraw or engage in conflict. A strengthened inner being is not so easily shaken by external circumstances and navigates us through difficult times. In coaching, I accompany you through stressful, complex situations, whether at work or privately.


Coaching for teachers

I accompany teachers in disciplinary challenging situations in everyday school life, analyze together with them their mission and their role in various contexts. I work on topics such as status, which is linked to verbal and non-verbal communication, make school visits or analyze lessons video-based. I support the introduction and training of generic competencies, help to build a constructive group dynamic in the classroom, accompany challenging parent meetings and identify didactogenic causes of disruptions. I use idiolectic discussion techniques to help teachers tap into their own resources and improve their teaching skills. 


Book An Appointment

You can check my availability online and book whenever it suits you.

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